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Canada’s magazine

Picturing the Taliban

So that Afghanistan cover created no small amount of debate in the office today, and opinions were divided to say the least. My take, short version: I’m fine with the photo, and I think the media should be less squeamish about showing this sort of stuff in general.  I also think the story is important, though I think the coverline borders on emotional blackmail and is mildly misleading. I don’t take the cynical view that it is because print is dying and Time is going all sensational just to get readers and cause a commotion. I’ll let you all hash it out in the comments.

DVD Note: Don’t Get Smart

HBO home video has announced one of the less intelligent TV-on-DVD moves in a while. They hold the rights to Get Smart (not to be confused with the crappy 1995 revival, which was just released on DVD) and licensed it to Time-Life, which produced a terrific complete-series box set only available via mail order. Now HBO is finally releasing the first season in retail stores… On August 5, almost two months after the release of the movie version. And without any of the extras that the Time-Life set has. That is, without the documentaries, interviews, or the separate commentaries by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry on the pilot episode.