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There Will Be No Mudslinging in This Campaign!

Oh, my God. I know other, bigger blogs have already posted this clip, but this is such an uncanny prediction of the U.S. 2008 Presidential campaign that I can’t resist. It’s the Mayoral debate between Batman, the young, mysterious candidate, and Penguin, the old guy with the hardball campaign tactics.

Whaa? The “hottest VP” is a WOMAN?

Andrew Coyne blogged last night that Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican Convention was the best bit of political theatre he’s witnessed in years. I’d have to agree. Her performance – and it did feel like a performance, complete with that awesome baby prop, handed from telegenic person to person – was pretty spectacular. She’s tough, she’s confident, and even her fiercest critics have had to agree she’s got buckets of charisma.

The terrifying Mr. Obama

We’ve been debating around the office whether it will be possible to run a negative campaign against Barack Obama if the Democratic Party (a) ever nominates a candidate and (b) picks him. One of the guys says it can’t be done, or that if McCain tries, there will be a backlash. I said it could be done; that it would be easy; that the impulse would be impossible to resist, and that McCain wouldn’t even try; and that any backlash would be among people who hadn’t planned to vote McCain in the first place. Many (most?) of my predictions are comically off base, but this one’s off to a good start. Turns out that guy Obama’s in league with the evildoers. Or so McCain is eager to assert.