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Canada’s magazine

TV Exclusive! Something Will Happen Sometime

I was forwarded this “exclusive” item about the fate of Two and a Half Men post-Sheen, and found that it says… basically nothing. This is not a knock on the writers of the piece, Kim Masters and Lacey Rose, who are writing what they know and, perhaps, all anybody knows at this point. But literally all we really find out about the show is this:

The Most Damning Promo of All Time

I was looking for one of the Two and a Half Men syndication promos that have reportedly incorporated the Sheentroversy into their advertising. I didn’t find them on YouTube, but I did find this, apparently made for a station in Augusta, Georgia. It’s quite possibly the most withering, corrosive criticism I have ever seen of Sheen’s show and its influence on culture and society, literally using its own words against it. And it was made to promote the show. Very strange.