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Canada’s magazine

Hey there, CBC, glad you could finally make it.

The CBC catches up with a story Maclean’s broke more than a year and a half ago.

The day after all that

The Star reports that atop one of the proposals submitted by Green Power Corporation were the words “From Rahim.” Two businessmen who met with Mr. Jaffer say he was presented to them and presented himself as someone with access to government (and they provide the CBC with the MP business card they say Mr. Jaffer gave them). Nazim Gillani’s spokesman says Mr. Gillani thought Mr. Jaffer worked in “government relations.”

The Commons: If we can’t talk to each other, we can only talk to ourselves

And that makes us look crazy

Your Team Iggy starting line-up

Posted without comment for the moment. Some attempt at analysis to follow after some consideration now offered below.