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ITQ goes to the G20: We’re definitely not inside the Queensway anymore, Toto.

Oh my goodness, you guys! I’m going to London! Today, even! I fly out from lovely YOW this afternoon, and should be landing at Heathrow at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning, whereupon I will likely immediately get hopelessly lost. (Just playing the odds here, people.)

Send Kady O’Malley to the G20!

I haven’t even told ITQ about this. Apparently some group is convening 50 bloggers to the G20 summit in London in early April, including 20 who will be nominated by the public. I’m absolutely shameless enough to ask you to send me, except in all fairness the blogger who covers the G20 shouldn’t be the one who spent four years saying a leaders’ G20 was a dumb idea, so I’m out. Besides, this will basically be a big committee meeting, and I’m told they sell Red Bull in London, so… well, the stars are aligning. You know what to do. It’s time to liveblog a G20. Godspeed.

ITQ Programming Notice: Hey, remember that Auditor General report?

Oh, sure you do  – we told you all about it a few weeks back, remember? Anyway, ITQ is off to the lockup to live-to-tape-blog Sheila Fraser’s embargoed press conference, which will be posted as soon as the report is tabled in the House at approximately 2 pm. Cross your fingers that the snack tray hasn’t been picked clean by my colleagues by the time I get there, y’all – and I’ll be back later with all the details.