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Separating the good communists from the bad communists

She likely did not appreciate the response, but Elizabeth May did get the Prime Minister on his feet with this question at the very end of QP yesterday.

Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister recently said in Colombia that it was a matter of principle that Cuba should be excluded from the Summit of the Americas. As Communist China keeps buying up Canada, I am wondering where the principle is. While Cuba has a long way to go, it recently held an open mass where the Pope invited Cuban Catholics to worship. There is no such freedom of religion in China’s persecution of Tibetan monks, Falun Gong and Christians, which goes unimpeded.


I’m interviewing Pico Iyer tomorrow about his new book on the Dalai Lama. One problem: I basically know squat about Tibet, especially the circumstances surrounding the events that led to the DL’s exile in 1959. Can anyone point me to — or better, send me — something I can read tonight that will give me enough background so I can fake it.