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Canada’s magazine

Another Republican for Ignatieff speaks out – this time, under his real name!

David Akin has an exclusive interview with Missouri Republican organizer and Republicans for Ignatieff state chairman Yancy Williams, one of the (two?) R4Iers who was captured on film handing out stickers and signs to bemused passersby at the Missouri State Fair earlier this month. The whole thing is worth reading for armchair R4Iologists, but what ITQ found particularly intriguing was Williams’ explanation of how he came to be involved with the group:

And a good metamorning to y’all, too.

While we wait not so patiently for Ekos to release this week’s tracking poll — oh please, please, please let there be some sort of movement to wildly overanalyse, if only so ITQ doesn’t have to hit the thesaurus to come up with more ways to describe utter stasis — a few notes from the morning newswanderings:

UPDATED – ITQ Exclusive: Republican for Ignatieff speaks!

Last week, ITQ sent off an email to the contact address for, asking if the group’s creator would be willing to take part in a quick Q&A with This morning, we got a reply. Full text — and ITQ’s comments — after the jump: