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Canada’s magazine

How Robert Fowler was freed

Robert Fowler, the Canadian diplomat who, along with fellow Canadian Louis Guay, was held captive for four months by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb before his release in April, has spoken to the CBC’s Peter Mansbridge. The conclusion of his two-part interview runs tonight. Fowler says he doesn’t know whether a ransom was paid or if prisoners changed hands to secure his freedom. He also says he would not reveal such information if he did know, so as not to affect future hostage negotiations.

How Fowler’s freedom was bought: letting other countries do our dirty work

I’ve just spoken with a source who is familiar with the negotiations that took place for the release of Canadian diplomats Robert Fowler and Louis Guay from the Canadian and British side. He or she confirms they were sprung because of a ransom and prisoner exchange.

Freeing a hostage …

The Pakistan Observer is reporting that two Taliban leaders held on charges of terrorism and murder of foreign troops were released in exchange for the freedom of CBC journalist Mellissa Fung, who had been held captive in a tiny cave west of Kabul for 28 days. The World Desk is trying to independently confirm the story. If true, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s claim that no ransom was paid for Fung’s release was disingenuous.