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CPC ConventionWatch 2008: And now, the policy plenary session we’ve been not-so-patiently waiting for …

Despite every intention of not doing so, I somehow wound up liveblogging the constitutional plenary session this morning , so I figured I may as well just give up on the whole not-liveblogging idea, and start a fresh thread for the far more eagerly anticipated policy plenary, which is scheduled to get started any minute now.

UPDATED: Conservative Policy Convention ResolutionWatch 2008

UPDATE: According to one commenter, delegates have had “this information” for “weeks. If that’s the case, I have to wonder why the party has been dragging its feet on releasing the final package. When asked about the delay by CanWest last week, party president Don Plett said that the election had “slowed some things down” for the national policy committee, which is in charge of deciding which resolutions make it to the floor of the convention, but didn’t mention that the delegates have been given advance notice of what they’ll be voting on next week.