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Canada’s magazine

NBC Renews All The Stuff People Still Like

This was not unexpected given that Parks & Recreation does okay after The Office and Community has become The Show in its second season (not the most popular show, not even the one that will win Emmys, but the one that has the most buzz around it), but NBC has taken both of those comedies off the bubble and renewed them for 2011-12.

Nikki Finke Hates Ben Silverman, Chapter XVIIIIII

You may have seen that Nikki Finke posted a report on audience-testing data for Parks and Recreation, the new Amy Poehler show from the producers of The Office. Even granted that a) anything Ben Silverman executive-produces for his own network is an irresistible target and b) no one can resist speculating that a new, much-hyped show is in trouble, that seems like kind of a low blow. Focus-group responses don’t tell you much about how well the show is doing, and this report doesn’t suggest that it’s in any more trouble than any other show.