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Canada’s magazine

What happened yesterday?

Courtesy of Our Luiza, who’s on all the right email lists, here’s a transcript of the 29-minute briefing the White House press corps received yesterday aboard Air Force One, even as it hurtled through the skies between Ottawa and Washington. I’m struck by the bits about Canada and the 2011 Afghanistan deadline. But I’ll leave it all to you to parse and ponder.

After the O: Liveblogging Michael Ignatieff’s post-meeting press conference

Yoyoyo, ITQians! We have one more Obama-related event to get through, and then I promise it’s back to business as usual, whatever that means. Anyway, apparently the Ignatieff-Obama chinwag went slightly longer than usual — careful, Mr. President, you’re going to miss your flight! — so the presser that was originally scheduled for 5pm will be slightly delayed. I’ll keep y’all posted, so check back regularly.