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Canada’s magazine

Liveblogging the O’Brien trial: The defence rests – eventually. (We hope.)

As promised/threatened, ITQ will be back in Courtroom 36 this morning for closing arguments.  The show gets underway at 9:30 a.m. — yes, that’s half an hour earlier than usual, but Michael Edelson practically pinky swore that he’d be able to finish up today if we started bright and early, in which case it will totally be worth it. Not that we’re not enjoying The Trial of Terry Kilrea, but brevity, as they say, is the soul of wit. (Why do lawyers never seem to believe ITQ when she says that?)

And now, back to your regularly scheduled mayoral bribery trial liveblogging!

Yes, ITQ is headed back to the Ottawa courthouse this morning for what could turn out to be the first of several days devoted to the defence of Larry O’Brien after the judge rejected the argument that Ottawa’s mayor-in-limbo can’t possibly have broken the law because even if he had offered an appointment to a rival candidate — not that he’s admitting he did any such thing, mind you —  well, that’s just politics, and not a potentially criminal offence.  Yeah, the judge didn’t think much of that line of reasoning either, as it turned out.