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Canada’s magazine

After the ‘reckoning’ comes damning proof Hollywood values women less than men

Anne Kingston: Women like Michelle Williams have stepped up for networks and studios beset by sexual harassment scandals. Their reward? Absurdly unequal pay.

Opening Weekend: ‘The Lovely Bones,’ ‘High Life,’ White Ribbon

Between Peter Jackson’s muddle and Michael Haneke’s mastery, a gem from Winnipeg offers a blast of pure entertainment

Film Reviews: ‘The Happening,’ ‘Young People F——‘

Once again, circumstances beyond my control have conspired to keep me from seeing the weekend’s designated blockbuster, The Incredible Hulk. So on that one, you’re on you’re own. But here’s my take on two other new releases, an unintentionally funny Hollywood thriller and a tame Canadian sex comedy, both of which have provoked some local controversy, and neither of which I can recommend.