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Canada’s magazine

Why does Canada insist on honouring a xenophobic fascist?

No, I’m not talking about Quebecois nationalist Abbé Lionel Groulx — though that would also be a good question. As near as I can tell, Quebec hasn’t named anything after the Jew-hating priest for several decades. And — who knows? — maybe renaming the Montreal metro station after someone who didn’t admire Benito Mussolini might lead to Quebeckers wearing turbans or some other calamity.

‘About the old man, tune him out’

Shi Rong’s emails suggest something more than a friendship with Bob Dechert. Wesley Wark sees a cautionary message and J. Michael Cole says some Chinese correspondents are selected by the Ministry of State Security, but Mark Bourrie says there’s not much to worry about. Paul Dewar thinks Mr. Dechert should offer his resignation, but Joe Comartin isn’t calling for Mr. Dechert to be removed from the committee vetting potential Supreme Court appointees.