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Canada’s magazine

Megapundit: Issues, schmissues

Must-reads: Chantal Hébert on dissing the Greens; Norman Spector on the value of another minority; Dan Gardner on election psychology; Christie Blatchford on Sgt. Prescott Shipway; Don Martin and Greg Weston on l’affaire macareux; Thomas Walkom on our dull(er) election campaign.

May misplays the “sexism” card

There’s something nostalgically  retro about Elizabeth May cry of “sexism” to explain her exclusion from the leaders’  debates. After all, isn’t “sexism” the very vehicle that transported Sarah Palin to the VP debates south of the border?  Talking to a group of reporters on Parliament Hill yesterday, May played the victim, blaming the “old boy’s club”: “This is anti-democratic, closed-door, backroom decision-making by four national party leaders who are all men and five television executives – who are all men – to keep out the one woman leader of a federal party.”