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Canada’s magazine

Rick Mercer on what’s to come in 2014: ‘Stephen Harper will resign’

The CBC’s ranter-in-chief predicts the Conservative Party’s future

Rights and Democracy: So everyone agrees! And there’s no problem! Right?

Over at the CBC, our their Kady O’Malley points out that Parliamentary privilege being what it is — powerful — “none” of the exemptions claimed by the industrious board of Rights and Democracy “are remotely relevant” to the Foreign Affairs Committee’s request for the Deloitte forensic audit.

The Mailbag: Stephen Harper, Justin Trudeau, the shocking truth about Kady O’Malley

Welcome to the Tuesday Mailbag on Wednesday, where, to paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld (and there’s a phrase you don’t hear very often today, outside of Donald Rumsfeld’s house), we take the known unknowns (ie. how does Cadbury get the caramel into the Caramilk bar?) and turn them into known knowns (ie. unicorns!).

Remember – there are no stupid questions, except for asking Conan O’Brien how his week’s been going.
