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Canada’s magazine

Don’t ask ’em no questions, they’ll tell you no lies

Exasperated, the 253 locked-out employees of the Journal de Montréal briefly waded into the newsroom on Wednesday afternoon during a protest to mark the six-month anniversary of their labour conflict. They protested noisily but peacefully for a few minutes.


Why the fuzzy face, Quebecor?

Much tittering about here in the Pretty Province over foreign affairs minister Maxime Bernier’s ex-biker-babe ex-girlfriend. La Presse devoted two pages plus a cover shot to our handsomely quaffed coiffed (if less-than-diplomatic) man from La Beauce; even the normally staid Devoir devoted cover space and two reporters to the tabloidy affair.

Oh, how the mighty (sic) have fallen

The uninvited redecoration of Pierre Trudeau’s mausoleum over the weekend was telling in more ways than one. As Wells alludes, the misspelling of the word ‘traître’ speaks more to the state of Quebec’s education system than to the spectre of a resurgent FLQ. Whoever did this wanted to make the ultimate political statement, yet they couldn’t even spray paint the word ‘traitor’ properly. Wow.