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Canada’s magazine

Is McCain Four More Years of Bush?

That’s the Dems line, as it pretty much has to be.  But is it true? The other day Volokh linked to some data from political scientist Keith Poole mapping the ideological leanings of Bush, McCain, Obama, and Clinton, based on their congressional votes and, in the case of Bush, the Presidential Support roll calls.

jokers to the left, jokers to the right…

Yes, the food crisis is real. No, I don’t pretend to fully understand its causes, nor do I trust much that I have read about how to resolve it. But long before most other media jumped all over it, the FT was running serious and sober analysis of the problem. The paper has had a great microsite up for months, and has been running a very useful series of analysis pieces. Today’s focused on Africa, and the big takeaway, from my perspective, is the extent to which Africa has been screwed by ideologues of the left and the right.