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Canada’s magazine

I know what you’re saying. You’re saying, “There just hasn’t been enough about the election in Maclean’s. Where can I get some more?”

I feel your pain, Canada. Fortunately we’re here to help. Maclean’s and CPAC had a lunch event in Ottawa on Thursday to peer into the coffee grounds left behind by Campaign 2011. And CPAC, being the public-minded people they are, have archived the whole event on their website. It’s right here. Onstage at the Château Laurier were, in the first segment, Andrew Coyne, John Geddes, Aaron Wherry and me. After a break, Andrew and I chatted with IRPP president Graham Fox; Le Devoir reporter Hélène Buzzetti; and Elly Alboim, who’s had key roles at the CBC and in Paul Martin’s kitchen cabinet. Enjoy.