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Canada’s magazine

Well, if the Tiger story won’t go away, I won’t either

It is late to be adding to the mountain of Tigerology, but up until now most analyses of the business impact of the golfing great’s tomcatting have been disappointingly superficial. It is not news to advertisers, even if it is news to the rest of us, that athlete brands are fragile assets. Let’s be honest here: it’s still 2009, and one extramural boyfriend would have done as much economic damage to Tiger Inc. as a dozen girlfriends have. A company that puts its image in the hands of a sportsman can never have enough information about his private life as it needs to establish 100% confidence that there won’t be a meltdown. Celebrities are risky business, but the market in them exists anyway.

Why, it’s just like being in the newly redecorated government lobby!

Inspired by Colleague Wherry’s musings on the attempt at First Family-fiction of the Harpers on the new Conservative website, ITQ presents the complete set of soothing, yet decisive banner shots of Stephen Harper in various settings. Apparently, the Tory webmaster/mistress is a student of the same school of design that inspired the Stephen Harper Gallery currently behind the curtains of the House of Commons: