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Canada’s magazine

MUSIC: Dept. of improbably hip locales

Would you believe Winnipeg? I’m long overdue to get there and report a proper article about what Steve Kirby is doing as chairman of the Jazz Studies program of the University of Manitoba, but suffice it to say that since he moved his family to Winnipeg from Brooklyn five years ago, Kirby, who was already one of the first-call bassists in New York City, has made Winnipeg a regular stop on the itneraries of some of the finest young U.S. jazz musicians. Which is why Jimmy Greene is there this week and Steve Wilson will be there next week. And on Monday nights, Winnipeggers and visitors can hear Kirby, his guests, and his best UofM faculty colleagues and students at the Monday Night Hang jam sessions. Jimmy Greene is the guest tonight, Wilson will be on hand next week, and if I was in town you’d see me too.