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Canada’s magazine

Ward Churchill wins, sort of

Ward Churchill won his case, sort of. The jury decided that he had been indeed fired for his political views, not for academic misconduct. But they awarded him a dollar, and it isn’t clear if he’s going to even get his job back. The crux, for the jury, seems to have been that the school did not convince them that he would have been fired even if he hadn’t written the “little Eichmanns” essay.

Academic research laundering

Outspoken academic Ward Churchill is suing to get his job back. He claims he was let go because of his opinions on 9/11 (you’ll recall he called the WTC victims “little Eichmanns”) while the school says it was for academic misconduct, with offenses that include plagiarism and something that appears to be a form of research laundering. Under cross examination yesterday, Churchill admitted “that he had ghostwritten works for other scholars and occasionally cited them to support his own theories” — something that a faculty committee found clearly violated academic standards.