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Oh, Ryan, You Thought You’d Succeed Without Tryin’, And Yet Your Stories Weren’t Satisfyin’

B.J. Novak (Ryan) isn’t officially leaving The Office, but he’s taking a “leave of absence” while he does a Quentin Tarantino movie, and it’s entirely possible that he might not come back at all. (Novak’s character isn’t all that essential any more, but he’s one of the best writers on the show.)


After I wrote the post yesterday about Bob Boyett, I discovered that Jeremy Irons and Joan Allen have signed to be in a new Broadway play by Michael Jacobs. Michael Jacobs is the creator of Charles in Charge (though he left before it got really bad), My Two Dads, Dinosaurs and Boy Meets World. We are seriously two steps away from seeing a trend emerge here, as Broadway becomes more and more a haven for refugees from TGIF. But anyway, as news stories often do, this gives me an excuse to talk about something tangential.