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Maybe They’ll Start to Appreciate the Original BUFFY Movie

That’s the only thought that occurred to me when I read more about the planned movie reboot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is going ahead without any involvement from Joss Whedon. (You know those two people named “Kuzui” who got producer credits on every episode of Buffy and its spin-off? They were the ones who made the original movie — their second and last big film project after 1988’s Tokyo Pop — and they, not Whedon, have the right to greenlight a new version of the franchise.) There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth, followed either by a discovery that the movie is a) as bad as we all expect or b) less bad than we expected. Either way, it will not be considered canonical by Buffy fans.

That Show Didn’t Start Slow!

Dollhouse offered its best episode yet on Friday (not coincidentally, its funniest), but it kind of got buried by two things: one, it was up against the BSG finale, and two, Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku spent weeks telling every interviewer that this was going to be the episode where the show got good, meaning that what should have been a pleasant surprise wound up as an anti-climax. Even the Fox promos might as well have said “Forget what you’ve seen before, watch the episode where it doesn’t suck any more.”