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Crowdfunding Evolution: An Update

You’ll perhaps recall that Baba Brinkman is trying to raise money through Crowdfunder to make some kickass videos for his “Rap Guide to Evolution”. I posted details earlier.

Well, things are going well but they need a bit of a push to get them over the top. Here’s Baba’s latest letter:


Happy New Year!

It’s the final two weeks of the Rap Guide to Evolution DVD Crowdfunder drive and we’re only at 81%, which is much better than I had feared, but Crowdfunder’s rules are strict.  If we don’t meet or exceed the £10,000 target in the 60 day timeframe everyone gets their money back and we’re stuck with our original (highly stretched) budget.  We can’t let this happen!  There are 13 days left as of today, so this is a call to arms.  Please share this link on facebook, twitter, blogs, and emails, and if you’ve been thinking of contributing, now is the time!