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‘Gaybies’ growing in numbers

As the first wave of children born to same-sex parents come of age, U.S. society has begun to acknowledge the legitimacy of the not-so-traditional family unit. A product of the post-AIDS-crisis boom of the late ’80s, “gaybies,” as they affectionately call themselves, are growing in numbers. At present, about 594,391 people—almost one per cent of U.S. couples—identify themselves as gay, lesbian or transgender. One-fifth of them are raising children under the age of 18. Anecdotal evidence suggests that despite having to deal with homophobia and discrimination at a young age, their experience with diversity has led these gaybies to become tolerant and accepting. Though gay marriage is only legal in six states, the upcoming census will include data from families that consist of two moms and two dads, offering further insight into this group.

ABC News